Yellowstone Expeditions

Climate at the Yurt Camp

Listed below are some weather statistics for the Canyon / Yellowstone Lake area of Yellowstone National Park.


Snow accumulation begins on average:October 23rd
Maximum snow accumulation averages:April 5th
End of snow-pack averages:May 30th
Average water content of snow:10% to 15%
Average total snowfall:200 to 250 inches
Average snow on ground as of March 1st:50 to 60 inches

Average snow depth at the Yellowstone Expeditions Yurt Camp


Typical winter winds measured at camp:<5 miles per hour


The chart below shows the average daily high and low temperatures. This is an average of the daily temperatures from 1990 through 2008.

Average temperature at the Yellowstone Expeditions Yurt Camp

Temperature and snowfall data are from the Yellowstone Canyon SNOTEL site at: SNOTEL Data

Other data are compiled from: The Climate of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, National Park Service Occasional Paper #6, Richard A. Dirks, 1982 and also from The Two Climates of Yellowstone National Park, Prof. Papers. Mont. Acad. Sci. 47, Don G. Despain, 1987