Listed below are some weather statistics for the Canyon / Yellowstone Lake area of Yellowstone National Park.
Snow accumulation begins on average: | October 23rd |
Maximum snow accumulation averages: | April 5th |
End of snow-pack averages: | May 30th |
Average water content of snow: | 10% to 15% |
Average total snowfall: | 200 to 250 inches |
Average snow on ground as of March 1st: | 50 to 60 inches |
Typical winter winds measured at camp: | <5 miles per hour |
Temperature and snowfall data are from the Yellowstone Canyon SNOTEL site at: SNOTEL Data
Other data are compiled from: The Climate of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, National Park Service Occasional Paper #6, Richard A. Dirks, 1982 and also from The Two Climates of Yellowstone National Park, Prof. Papers. Mont. Acad. Sci. 47, Don G. Despain, 1987